Girl Details/女孩详细

8127号 Angel1
8127号 Angel

Name 姓名 : 8127号 Angel

Age 年龄 : 25 Years Old

Height 身高 : 165cm

Boobs 胸围 : 38C

Weight 体重 : 50

Room & CD Included 包房包套


Central Area 中部地区




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2025-02-27 13:00John Says:
Looks: 9/10
Body: 9/10 pink nipples
Bbbj: 8.5/10
Fj: 9/10 multiple positions
Gfe: 9.5/10
Overall: 9/10
Will rtf
2025-02-26 02:12爱心人士 Says:
2025-02-05 10:06Eric Says:
Angel is a very friendly lady
Looks similar to the photos but with meitu. 8/10
Boobs C cup and sensitive nipple
Body slight fat but nice over all 8/10
Frenching 8/10
BBBJ :7/10
FJ : 8/10
Location : clean and comfortable central.
RTF yes

2025-02-05 03:23Stylist Says:
ooks very similar to pics with some discount to complexion. Overall, i found her looks cute and adorable
Healthy figure, not too skinny or fat. Perky ass with well shaped natural boobs
10/10 GFE very playful and lots of frenching and kissing.
Very willing to please and accommodating in bed. Well worth her price
2025-02-03 20:50女杀手 Says:
人美, 亲切, 服务真的没话说. 100% 推荐!
2025-01-31 10:42胖鸭 Says:
Visit on Angel
Looks: 8/10 Look like photos very pretty
Location: central,with a neat and clean 单身condo
Body: sexy body with smooth and white skin, as well as nice smell
French: very passionate

If there are fake photos or bad service, Leave your phone number or wechat ID for us to verify

如果有假照片 或者 服务不好的地方 您可以留下手机号码或微信号方便我们核实